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Racerback top

Racerback top

Nothing to wear tomorrow

                                                                (klik hier voor Nederlandse versie)

Do you recognize this? Quite the collection of selfmade clothes, but stil nothing to wear. Well, I'll rephrase.....nothing to wear that's suitable....or more honestly that I want to wear. Tomorrow is field day at school and its suddenly tropical in the Netherlands. I wasn't quite ready for it. I was in the middle of making a linen/cotton spring blouse with bellbottom sleeves. Just have to put it aside on the UFO (UnFinished Objects) pile.
LOVE this t-shirt

Thank god for my hobby and the fabric stash I won last year. (Stash Photos on Instagram) Last week I have sewn a t-shirt with a wonderful combination of fabrics and I am still totally in love with it. (Tutorial on YouTube) So I decided to make a top with the same fabrics and ad a dash of pink...because I felt like it. Now get on with has to be done in one evening. Yaiks!

The pattern

I drew the pattern myself using a well fitting t-shirt pattern as a basis. I want the neckline a bit higher in the front than I normally have, more sunprotection ;-) and the back should be covering my sports bra. So I put my sports bra on my mannequin and pin the paper pattern on top of it. Then I drew the shape of the backside. Making sure it's aligned with the front.

I choose the pattern pieces and the fabric in which they will be then cut them. Sewing and serging them together, makeing a full front and backpiece again. Then comes the easy part sewing th schoulders and sides together. More difficult is the finishing of the neckline and arm openings.


The neckline I've done as shown in the t-shirt tutorial but the armholes caused me some headaches. First I thought serging, folding and topstitching with a twin needle would suffice, but trying out I soon saw that that wasn't going to do the trick. Bummer!

The back-up plan is to finish with a smal fabric strip and stitch it on to the arm opening, then folding it and topstitch it. I used a fabric strip that was 75% of the width of the arm opening.  Unfortunately this plan is more's going to be past my bedtime. Again!

Outfit of today

I did it! A racerback top finished on time! The color combination makes me smile, the fit makes me happy and ready for action!
Ready, Set, Action!


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